In Montessori Art Education

Don’t wait 30 years to be your BEST!
This site is designed to present the art education album created by Georgie Ann Daub-Grosse who for 32 years was the Montessori trained art specialist at Sands Montessori Public School in Cincinnati, Ohio. She designed three environments in two rooms that served 500-700 children.
The Montessori Art Mentor Album (curriculum) covers twelve different areas that contribute to the art education of children ages 5-12. The site is intended for working Montessori teachers, their assistants, and those who are in training to be Montessori teachers. Others could use it if they wished. The site is a work in progress and will continue to grow for at least a year. Montessorians enjoy seeing each other’s environments. So, the curriculum is presented pictorially with detailed lesson plans. Each lesson is presented in the familiar Montessori fashion. Each area includes an introduction which you are welcome to read. The lesson plan for each activity includes an Introduction, its Prerequisite Activities, Direct Aim, Indirect Aim and Point of Interest. These are followed by the Materials and Preparation and Presentation(s) needed, and by suggested Extensions and Resources. The plans are punctuated with personal stories and observations called “Georgie Stories.”
Because the curriculum is complex and multi-layered, its slow unfolding will give teachers time to prepare multiple activities without feeling overwhelmed. You have the whole three years of each level (age 5, 6-9, and 9-12) to cover what is important. As you will discover, each Section of the MAM Curriculum reveals many insights on how to use the Montessori Method as a delivery system for art education.