A Quote by Pablo Picasso that Encourages Creativity

In Blog by Georgie Ann

pablo picasso

Photo credit to openclipart.org

“Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working”

Display a photograph of Picasso or his work. Put his quote under it. You can use it as part of a lesson presentation or to help a single student. Helping children realize that all people have the capacity to be creative was the main objective of my curriculum. It was the Montessori Method that enabled me to present what art is all about when teaching children!

  • ”While you are folding the paper to make the puppet you may be inspired by more than one idea of what character it is. Put your fingers in the puppet and make it move. You will know which idea to choose and what details are needed to be added to express it.”
  • “While you are finger painting erase the idea you were working on to try another. By the time you are using real fingerpaint you will be able to choose an idea to create and make a print of it.”
  • “You want to make a collage but do not have an idea? Picasso said you must be working to be inspired. So, start your collage. Choose the size, shape, and color of the board that appeals to you. Look at each of the collage materials available. Choose a few and see what inspires you. You might even need to change the board for your final idea.”

Start thinking creatively whenever it is needed but remember you must be working for inspiration to find you!